
    The most important member of the WinPilot Development Team is YOU!
    We are counting on your feedback (both positive and negative) to keep improving WinPilot, so that it continues to be the greatest software you can have in a cockpit.
    So far, most of the ideas have been translated into computer code by Jerry Plaszowiecki of Minden, NV. Jerry is a professional Windows programmer, holds a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering, and he spent seven years working as a Software Design Engineer at Microsoft in Redmond, WA; - two years in the Visual C++ Team, and four years in the Windows CE Team, where he was responsible for designing and implementing parts of the Windows CE (now Pocket PC) operating system. Since 1981 Jerry is also a glider pilot with over 1200 hours flown in gliders so far, and he is a holder of a Gold Badge with three diamonds. Upon leaving Microsoft in 1997, Jerry bought a new Ash-26E ("MS"), and moved with his family to Minden, NV, where he started Sierra SkyWare, Inc. for the purpose of utilizing his Windows programming skills for the benefit of the gliding community worldwide.
It is really difficult to mention all people whose ideas and suggestions made WinPilot what it is today.
Here are the people whose input had the greatest impact on the program so far (in no particular order): Philippe De Pechy, Paul Crabb, Ed Johnston, Francois De Klerk, Quintin Maine, Andy Smielkiewicz, Johannes and Georg Garrecht, Makoto Ichikawa, Yves Jeanmotte.


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